No. 4 (2020): Varia(tionen)

					View No. 4 (2020): Varia(tionen)

In the first three issues, apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania] put its main focus on the various facets of the Romance-speaking world from an interdisciplinary and cultural studies perspective transgressing romance studies division into linguistic, literature and culture. So far, publication formats adopted have mostly been peer-reviewed research articles and reviews yet exploiting the medial spectrum of the hypertextual online format. The current fourth issue is dedicated to several freer formats and takes variation of formats and perspectives even further. Contributions in German, Spanish and French stemming from different horizons joined in one miscellaneous section with traditional research papers as well as formats like Premiers Travaux (mentoring for excellent student papers), essay, literature review and Espace Contemporain presenting contemporary art forms. Thus, the issue is divided in three parts, although varying one from the other nevertheless complement each other.

Published: 2020-06-24

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Espace contemporain