Desde las palabras del poder hacia el poder de las palabras

Presentación del proyecto «Exploraciones y propuestas en torno a la justicia restaurativa. Encuentro entre el derecho, la psicología y la lingüística»


  • Mariana C. Marchese Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET)
  • Cecilia L. Romero Centro de Mediación y Métodos Alternativos de Abordaje y Solución de Conflictos del Poder Judicial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
  • Natalia Montero Escuela Sistémica Argentina



legal paradigms, restorative justice, sociodiscursive representations, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research


The aim of this work is to present the main lines of the project Explorations and Proposals on Restorative Justice: An Encounter between Law, Psychology and Linguistics. The project arises in a context where, faced with a predominantly punitive legal system, the paradigm of restorative justice is gaining increasing traction. This movement entails scientific challenges to be considered within a framework of interdisciplinary and intersectoral research. The research paradigm is interpretivist, the theoretical approach is interdisciplinary, and the methodology is predominantly inductive and qualitative.

The specific analysis of the project focuses on sociodiscursive representations of justice and responsibility in: 1) Facebook comments generated from posts related to criminal court cases, and 2) responses from participants in a restorative justice program (within the criminal justice system) to an open, anonymous questionnaire administered prior to their interaction with facilitators.

Building upon (1) and (2), the project seeks to generate theoretical and practical proposals to: a) enhance the effectiveness of restorative justice programs, and b) raise awareness about the benefits of restorative justice, as it involves a different approach to addressing conflict and crime, as well as prevention methods aimed at social peace.

Author Biographies

Mariana C. Marchese, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET)

Mariana C. Marchese has a Ph.D. in Literature (oriented in Linguistics) from the “Universidad de Buenos Aires” (UBA). She currently works as a researcher at the “Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas” (CONICET) and is the leader of practical tasks at the “Facultad de Filosofía y Letras”, UBA. Furthermore, she was the regional delegate of the “Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso” (ALED) from 2021 to 2023. Dr. Marchese conducts research projects within Critical Discourse Analysis framework and she is a member of organizations devoted to developing discourse studies in relation to social and human rights in Latin America. These include the “Red Latinoamericana de Análisis Crítico del Discurso de y sobre la pobreza” (REDLAD), the “Rede de Estudios do Discurso Jurídico e Grupos Minorizados” (REDEJUR) and the “Red de Discurso y Género” (REDIGE).  Among her recent publications, she co-wrote “Violencia y derechos vulnerados. El discurso en acción” with Dr. María Laura Pardo, Principal Researcher at CONICET.

Cecilia L. Romero, Centro de Mediación y Métodos Alternativos de Abordaje y Solución de Conflictos del Poder Judicial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Cecilia L. Romero is a lawyer graduated from the “Universidad de Buenos Aires” (UBA) and a Mediator trained by the “Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación.” She completed the Teaching Career program at the “Facultad de Derecho”, UBA. She was a lecturer in the subject "Familia y Sucesiones" at the same academic institution. Additionally, she completed a post graduate course in Family Restorative Justice from the “Instituto Internacional de Justicia Restaurativa y Derecho” (IIDEJURE). She is a member of the team of Lawyer Mediators at the “Centro de Mediación y Métodos Alternativos de Abordaje y Solución de Conflictos del Consejo de la Magistratura del Poder Judicial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.” Ms. Romero has published several cases and articles related to issues of Criminal and Contraventional Mediation and Restorative Justice, both as author and co-author. She has actively participated as a trainer in workshops and forums related to mediation and restorative justice.

Natalia Montero, Escuela Sistémica Argentina

Natalia Montero holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and is a Secondary and Higher Education Professor in Psychology from the “Universidad de Buenos Aires” (UBA). She specialized in systemic family therapy, narrative therapy, problematic substance use, and gender and diversity at the “Escuela Sistémica Argentina” (ESA) and the Mental Research Institute (MRI). She was a lecturer at the “Universidad de Morón” and “Universidad Maimónides.” Currently, she is a faculty member at the “Escuela Sistémica Argentina”, the “Federación de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales de Argentina para la Prevención y el Tratamiento de Abuso de Drogas y en el Centro de Psicoterapia Breve Estratégica” in Peru. Ms. Montero has published works as both author and co-author at various conferences and symposia.

Statue of Justice, pixabay, AJEL,



How to Cite

Marchese, M.C. et al. 2024. Desde las palabras del poder hacia el poder de las palabras: Presentación del proyecto «Exploraciones y propuestas en torno a la justicia restaurativa. Encuentro entre el derecho, la psicología y la lingüística». apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 13 (Dec. 2024), 125–140. DOI:


