„Y te pago; te visto; te doy de comer.“

Disziplinarmechanismen in Roberto Marianis "Cuentos de la oficina" (1925) im Zeichen ökonomischer Umbrüche am Cono Sur





Argentinean office literature, discipline, Roberto Mariani, Foucault, Weber


This article is dedicated to the Cuentos de la oficina, published by Argentinian writer Roberto Mariani in 1925. Based on Max Weber᾽s reflections on bureaucratic efficacy and Michel Foucault᾽s considerations regarding disciplinary power, selected texts – Balada de la oficina, Rillo, and Santana – will be analyzed in order to identify the disciplinary mechanisms at work as well as their literary representation. The narratives unfolding around the characters of Rillo and Santana take up the promises, demands, and threats that the personified office epically foreshadows in the Balada de la oficina and paint a precarious picture of the Argentinean office worker during the modern capitalism of the 1920s. Based on the above-mentioned concepts developed by Weber and Foucault with a main focus on European Modernity, this article centers around the question in how far these can be applied to Argentinian office literature in order to gain a more thorough understanding of emerging capitalist structures and the disciplinary power enabling these structures. The literary text to be considered, Roberto Mariani’s Cuentos de la oficina, represents the founding text of Argentinian office literature; written by a former office clerk himself, it seems particularly suitable to approach the topic of workplace discipline in an early 20th century bureaucratic context.

Author Biography

Karolin Schäfer, Universität Kassel

Karolin Schäfer has studied English and American, German, and Hispanic studies at the University of Kassel, Germany. In 2021/2022 she passed her First State Examination of the respective subjects in the federal state of Hesse. Since October 2022 she has been working as research assistant in the DFG-funded project “Small-scale sovereignty. Personal forms of domination in everyday life and their representation in the Hispano-American novel of the 20th and 21st century” (lead researcher: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Witthaus, University of Kassel). Her PhD project focuses on Argentinean and Uruguayan office literature.

Threatening-looking office tower, https://pixabay.com/de/photos/building-tower-office-building-sky-4504413/




How to Cite

Schäfer, K. 2024. „Y te pago; te visto; te doy de comer.“: Disziplinarmechanismen in Roberto Marianis "Cuentos de la oficina" (1925) im Zeichen ökonomischer Umbrüche am Cono Sur. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 13 (Dec. 2024), 46–68. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.13.2166.



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