Die Funktion von Straßennamen in Barcelona im Rahmen der (Re-)Konstruktion der katalanischen nationalen Identität im 19. Jahrhundert


  • Ina Kühne University of Siegen




street names, Barcelona, Renaixença, national identity, historical memory


During the nineteenth century, Catalan language and literature, which especially since the beginning of the eighteenth century had suffered a decadence, experienced a renaissance (Renaixença). During the Renaixença, Catalan authors and artists created a national mythology and imagery through literature, art, and historiography, consolidating the main characteristics of Catalan national identity. Also Street names contributed significantly to the (re-)construction of Catalan national identity bringing to mind eminent historical personalities, events, and institutions of Catalan national history. The article at hand presents in detail the historical and identity building narratives to which the street names of Barcelona refer to illustrate the politics of memory connected with the urban toponymy. Furthermore, the article demonstrates the functions of these street names within the context of the (re-)construction of Catalan national identity during the Renaixença-movement. The two-volume book Las Calles de Barcelona (1865-1866) written by the Catalan politician, historian, journalist, and writer Víctor Balaguer (1824-1901), in which the author explains the meanings of the street names of Barcelona, forms the basis of the following analysis.

Author Biography

Ina Kühne, University of Siegen

Ina Kühne is lecturer at the chair for Romance and General Literary Studies at the University of Siegen. She received her doctorate in 2017 on the topic “«Els catalans a l’Àfrica». Die Rolle des Spanisch-Marokkanischen Kriegs von 1859/60 im katalanischen Identitätsdiskurs des 19. Jahrhunderts” [Els catalans a l’Àfrica. The Impact of the Spanish-Moroccan War (1859/60) on Catalan Identity Discourses in the 19th Century]. Her main research areas are the Catalan identity discourse of the nineteenth century, Spanish literature of the nineteenth and twentieth century on colonialism in Africa, young adults’ literature and media in Romance languages, folk literature in Romance languages and environmental discourses in Latin American literature.

Street sign Carrer d'AribauStreet Sign Carrer d'Aribau, Barcelona; © Jove, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Placa_carrer_d%27Aribau_%28tram_Laforga%29.jpg, CC0 1.0




How to Cite

Kühne, I. 2022. Die Funktion von Straßennamen in Barcelona im Rahmen der (Re-)Konstruktion der katalanischen nationalen Identität im 19. Jahrhundert. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 8 (Jul. 2022), 153–176. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.8.1929.