‚Mi ricordo′, ‚je me souviens′: ich erinnere mich

Sammlungsübergreifende Interviewanalysen in Oral History und Korpuslinguistik





corpus linguistics, memory, testimonies, interviews, oral history


Situated in the interdisciplinary fields of historiography and linguistics, this article evaluates oral history interviews as a resource valuable to both disciplines. The case study analyses the language of remembering in Italian and French life story interviews from the archive Forced Labour 1939-1945 and the LangAge corpus. In five working steps, it implements the oral history approach of developing hypotheses from the data itself with methods from corpus linguistics. Occurrences of personal pronouns we and I are compared and keywords as well as frequent word combinations (n-grams) are identified. These quantitative approaches are complemented by exemplary analyses of frequent phrases such as ‘I remember’ or ‘at a certain moment’. In doing so, the biographical approach of oral history and historical contextual knowledge can be combined with the results of corpus linguistic analysis. Although different transcription standards of oral history and linguistics prove to be problematic, in the future the new research environment Oral-History.Digital will simultaneously support cross-collection and close-to-source analyses of life history interviews.

Author Biographies

Annette Gerstenberg, Universität Potsdam

ANNETTE GERSTENBERG is since 2017 Professor of Romance Linguistics (Italian and French) at the University of Potsdam; she is co-founder of the network Corpora for Language and Aging Research (CLARe) and of the Journal of Language and Aging Research (JLAR). Areas of research: linguistic-historical questions such as grammaticalization and specialized text traditions as well as the language of later life in sociolinguistic and pragmatic terms (lifespan pragmatics). Building LangAge corpora since 2005, online database since 2019; monograph Generation und Sprachprofile im höheren Lebensalter (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2011), for further information and publications see www.langage-corpora.org.

Cord Pagenstecher, Freie Universität Berlin

CORD PAGENSTECHER, historian at the Center for Digital Systems / University Library of Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Digital Interview Collections (https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/dis). Since 2008 development and curation of oral history archives such as Forced Labor 1939-1945. Memories and History (https://archiv.zwangsarbeit-archiv.de/en) or Colonia Dignidad. A Chilean-German Oral History Archive (https://www.cdoh.net/). Since 2020 head of the project Oral-History.Digital (https://www.oral-history.digital/), a cross-collection curation and research environment for audiovisual narrative data. Publications on oral and visual history, Nazi forced labour as well as migration and tourism history (www.cord-pagenstecher.de).

Computer generated picture (DreamStudio) after Henri Matisse: Prompt "interviews for research in history and linguistics about second world war" (CC0 1.0)




How to Cite

Gerstenberg, A. and Pagenstecher, C. 2022. ‚Mi ricordo′, ‚je me souviens′: ich erinnere mich: Sammlungsübergreifende Interviewanalysen in Oral History und Korpuslinguistik. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 9 (Dec. 2022), 213–239. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.9.1902.