Vom Schreien und Schreiben einer Nation. Mündlichkeit, Schriftlichkeit und Affekte in Esteban Echeverrías "La cautiva"


  • David Klein Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München




Based on the sociological thesis, which perceives affects as social instruments that appear whenever formerly stable worldviews start to falter, the present article subjects the long poem La cautiva by Esteban Echeverría to a critical analysis. Belonging to the canon of nation-building literature, the text stages the conquest of the Pampa by two lovers and their love death. If the text reads at first glance as an affectionate proclamation of an Argentine nation, a connotative semantics of orality and literality reveal an increasingly distant relationship with the former and a turning towards the latter. Not the indigenous people alone, but rather the spoken or shouted word with which the text connects them, is subject to limitation, thus paving the way for the visibility of the written word and facilitating the national project.

Author Biography

David Klein, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

David Klein is scientific assistant at the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures at LMU Munich. After his dissertation on Medienphantastik (‘medial phantastic’) in the short stories of Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortázar, he published articles on the aesthetic reflection of digital technology in Guillermo del Toro, on modern affect-economics in Michelangelo Antonioni, as well as the aesthetics of the mass in Flaubert’s Education sentimentale. Together with Gerhard Poppenberg (Heidelberg) and Johanna Vocht (Munich) he edited a collection of essays on Modernity in Juan Carlos Onetti. In addition to the specific poetics of digital cultures, his current scientific interest is double-entry bookkeeping and its influence on narration in Early modern Europe.

Drei Gesichter (Quelle: Pixabay/ Gellinger)




How to Cite

Klein, D. 2019. Vom Schreien und Schreiben einer Nation. Mündlichkeit, Schriftlichkeit und Affekte in Esteban Echeverrías "La cautiva". apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 3 (Dec. 2019), 92–108. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.3.1464.