Victor Hugo sénateur


  • Fabien Conord University of Clermont Auvergne



Victor Hugo, Senat, elections, Third Republic


Since 1876 until his death in 1885, Victor Hugo, one of the most popular French authors of the 19th century, was member of the Senate. His mandate has, however, been rarely mentioned in biographies devoted to him. Far from being a self-effacing period in the life of Hugo, during his mandate he was fighting the last great battles of the republicans. After a difficult election, Victor Hugo became senator and started his fight against personal power, but in favor of the amnesty of the communards. In consideration of the republican victory, by the end of his life, Victor Hugo became a guardian figure of the Haute Assemblée.

Author Biography

Fabien Conord, University of Clermont Auvergne

Fabien Conord is Professor for Contemporary History at the University of Clermont Auvergne. Specialist of French Political History, he has recently published Le tour de France à l’heure nationale, 1930-1968 (Paris: Puf, 2014), Les Élections sénatoriales en France. 1875-2015 (Rennes, PUR: 2016), La France mutilée. 1871-1918, la question de l’Alsace-Lorraine (Paris: Vendémiaire, 2017) and La terre des autres. Le métayage en France depuis 1889 (Montrouge: Éditions du Bourg, 2018).

Hugo und die Senatoren aus dem Departement Seine, Journal illustré, 13.02.1876. Quelle und Rechte: Bibliothèque municipale de Besançon, EST FC 3372.



How to Cite

Conord, F. 2018. Victor Hugo sénateur. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 1 (Dec. 2018), 129–142. DOI:



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