Submission Guidelines

Languages of publication

Our languages of publication are German, all Romance languages and English, with additional translations where necessary.



Each special issue paper, individual paper and Premiers Travaux paper must be preceded by an abstract of approx. 150 words in the language of the submission and in English.


Biographical note

A short biographical note of approx. 100 words should be included with the submission in a separate document, in the language of the respective submission and in English. This note should include the institutional affiliation of the author, relevant publications or studies, and relevant research fields or areas of activity. 



A maximum of 5 keywords should be specified in the language of the submission and in English.


Maximum approximate number of characters (incl. spaces and footnotes) for:

Special issue paper: 60,000 characters
Individual miscellaneous paper (Varia): 60,000 characters
Review: 7,500 characters
Omnibus review: 30,000 characters
Premier travaux: 60,000 characters
Workshop report: 30,000 characters
Essay: 60,000 characters



  • File format: Word
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 pt
  • Line spacing: 1.5 pt
  • Unjustified
  • The texts should be divided into sections with relevant headings. There are two possibilities:
    headings without numbering
    or headings with numbering as follows: 1. Xxxx, 1.1. Xxxx, 1.2. Xxxx, 2. Xxxx, 2.1. Xxxx, 2.2. Xxxx, etc. (maximum one level of subdivision, please)
  • Headings: bold, subheadings: italics
  • Emphases in text: italics
  • Titles of individual publications in text: italics
  • Titles of edited publications in text in double quotation marks
  • Minimal formatting: no bold print (except for headings), no underlining, no indentations, no automatic syllable separation, no auto format, no header
  • Illustrations and tables should be accompanied by captions as follows:
    1: xxx
    Tab. 1: xxx
  • The respective authors are responsible for obtaining image rights; proof of copyright should be provided to the editors. Any costs incurred in obtaining image rights and using images are to be borne by the authors.
  • Use of quotation marks:
    in German: „…“ or ‚…‘ (punctuation and end punctuation should be placed inside quotation marks)
    in the Romance languages: «…» or ‹…› (punctuation and end punctuation should be placed outside quotation marks)
    in English: “…” or ‘…’ (punctuation and end punctuation should be placed inside quotation marks)
  • Long quotations (longer than 3 lines) should be offset from the continuous text by a line break before and after the quotation; no quotation marks
  • For publications on linguistics: object-linguistic terms should be italicised, etyma should be in small capitals, and extra information/translations should be in simple quotation marks



References should be given as in-text-citations as follows: (Dupont 1999, 23) or (Dupont 1999, 22–25). Page numbers are always given in numbers (no use of f., ff., etc.); similarly, id. and ibid. should not be used – the full reference should be given in each case. For direct quotations the references should be placed immediately after the quotation marks, and for indirect quotations always before the end punctuation. Indirect quotations should be marked by cf.

Example of direct quotation:
Cette causalité est « réactionnelle » (Blumenthal 2006, 29) parce qu’elle dépend en partie de la réaction de l’expérienceur et non seulement des évènements causaux.

Example of indirect quotation:
In the case of chez (and, for example, in contrast to à travers), it is not certain whether the localisation takes place dynamically through a movement of the localised object in the direction of the localising object, or whether there is a static mental state (cf. Schwarze 1989, 328–329).



At the bottom of the page, automatic numbering. Short references should be given in the main text (see Quotations); footnotes should contain additional text of an argumentative nature.


Bibliographic information (based on Chicago Manual of Style)

  • If more than 3 authors: surname, forename et al.
  • Quotation marks in the bibliography should correspond to the language of publication of the original text (see above on quotation marks).
  • The bibliography should only list titles that are referred to in the text. Please ensure the bibliography is complete.
  • The bibliography should be in alphabetical order.



Surname, forename & forename surname. Year. Title. Place of publication: publisher.

If applicable, stating the original publication date of primary texts: Surname, forename. Edition. Year [year of original publication]. Title. Place of publication: publisher.

Keller, Rudi. 1995. Zeichentheorie: Zu einer Theorie semiotischen Wissens. Tübingen: Francke.
Lamartine, Alphonse de. 2006 [1820]: Méditations poétiques. Nouvelles méditations poétiques. Paris: Librairie Générale Française.
Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Edited volume

Surname, forename & forename surname (ed.). Title. Place of publication: publisher.

Boehm, Gottfried et al. (ed.). 2014. Imagination. Suchen und Finden. Paderborn: Fink.
Fournier Kiss, Corinne, Nadine Chariatte & Etna Krakenberger (ed.). 2016. Räume der Romania. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang.
Tutin, Agnès & Francis Grossmann (ed.). 2003. Les collocations, analyses et traitement. Amsterdam: De Werelt.


Paper from edited volume

Surname, forename. Year. “Title of essay.” In Title of volume, ed. surname, forename, page–page, place of publication: publisher.

Example (language of publication: German):
Schwarze, Christoph. 1989. „Polysemie als Prozedur, am Beispiel von frz. à travers und chez.“ In Raumkonzepte in Verstehensprozessen, ed. Habel, Christoph, Michael Herweg & Klaus Rehkämper, 310–338, Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Example (language of publication: French):
Béal, Christine. 2009. « L’évolution des termes d’adresse en français contemporain : essai de modélisation. » Dans Tu et Vous, l’embarras du choix, ed. Peeters, Bert & Nathalie Ramière, 115–145, Paris : Lambert-Lucas.

Example (language of publication: Spanish):
Rodríguez González, Félix. 2007. « Estereotipos y términos de caracterización homosexual. » En Cultura, homosexualidad y homofobia, vol. 1, Perspectivas gays, ed. Rodríguez González, Félix, 105–133, Barcelona: Laertes.

Example (language of publication: English):
Khordoc, Catherine. 2001. “The Comic Book’s Soundtrack: Visual Sound Effects in Asterix.” In The Language of Comics: Word and Image, ed. Varnum, Robert, 156–173, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.


Paper from journal

Surname, forename. Year. “Title of essay.” Name of journal volume number (if applicable, issue number), page–page.

Blumenthal, Peter. 2006. « De la logique des mots à l’analyse de la synonymie. » Langue française 150, 14–31.
Degani, Enzo. 1987. « Insulto ed escrologia in Aristofane. » Dioniso 57, 31–47.
Platz-Schliebs, Anja. 1997. „Sprachliches und konzeptuelles Wissen beim Erschließen von L2-Komposita.“ Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 8 (2), 245–266.

Online publications

Surname, forename. Year. Title. If applicable, place of publication: if applicable, publisher, <url > or doi.

Quinquis, Stella. 2004. Die literarisch konstruierte Mündlichkeit in Les Frustrés von Claire Bretécher. Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, < opus4/frontdoor/index/index/year/2018/docId/373>.

Paper in online journal

Surname, forename. Year. “Title of essay.” Name of periodical volume number (if applicable, issue number), if applicable, page–page, <url> or doi.

Baur, Rupprecht S. & Christoph Chlosta. 2005. “‘Du hast ja ’nen Vogel!’. Phraseologie und Gesten in der Alltagssprache.” Essener Unikate 26 (1), 69–75, <http://www.uni->.

Articles in online newspapers and magazines

Surname, Forename. Year. “Title of article.” Title of newspaper/magazine, date of publication d.m.yyyy. <url>.

Grothe, Solveig. 2012. „Bilder einer Retortenstadt. Mamma mia, Wolfsburg.“ Spiegel Online 21.11.2012 < retortenstadt-a-947810.html>.
Pérez Ejerique, Raquel (2015): « Los siete derechos fundamentales que limita la ‹Ley Mordaza›. »,, 30.6.2015. <>.

Grey literature

If applicable, surname, forename. If applicable, year. “Title.” <url> retrieved on d.m.yyyy.

Sroka, Ghila. 1997. « La Chair du maître. Entrevue avec Dany Laferrière. », <> 9.7.2018.