La recepción del bombardeo de Guernica en la prensa francesa


  • Stève Bessac-Vaure



Spanish Civil War, press, intellectuals, public opinion, Guernica


The bombing of Guernica, on April 26, 1937, quickly garnered international attention. The question of the responsibility for this act of war against an unarmed and innocent civilian population arose immediately. The French press took part of this debate. Instead of doing an investigative work, the daily newspaper (the communist one L’Humanité or the conservative one Le Figaro) analysed the event according to their own political framework. However, catholic publications were shaken in their convictions: La Croix, a right-wing newspaper, hesitated to acknowledge the responsibility of the Franco’s army and his allies, while the magazine Esprit denounced the myth of the Crusade. The bombing of Guernica thus constituted a crisis in French Catholicism.

Author Biography

Stève Bessac-Vaure

Former member of the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques (EHEHI) - Casa de Velázquez, Stève Bessac-Vaure, who holds an agrégation and a doctorate in contemporary history, completed a thesis on "the maintenance of order in northern Morocco during the period of the French and Spanish protectorates (1912-1936)." He is currently conducting research on the Rif War and the Spanish Civil War from a transnational perspective.

Auszug aus Le Figaro (03.05.1937)



How to Cite

Bessac-Vaure, S. 2024. La recepción del bombardeo de Guernica en la prensa francesa. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 13 (Dec. 2024), 69–85. DOI:



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