L’agonie gravée

Réflexions sur « Cytomégalovirus », le journal d’hospitalisation d’Hervé Guibert.


  • Jacopo Romei Universität Kassel




AIDS literature ; Critical Medical Humanities ; journal ; pathography ; thanatography ;


Hervé Guibert, renowned for his photographic work and novels that dominated the Francophone press in the 1990s, is a seminal figure in contemporary international literature. Strongly influenced by his personal experiences, his writing sits at the intersection of the novelistic, autofictional, and autobiographical genres. Although much critical scholarship has been devoted to his oeuvre, this contribution aims to examine a relatively overlooked text, Cytomegalovirus: A Hospitalization Diary. Written during a twenty-day hospital stay due to AIDS, this text deals with the impact of the medical environment on the daily life of the patient. Guibert describes his hospitalization with a biting style, oscillating between hope and despair.
Cytomegalovirus is Guibert’s final work, in which writing becomes an essential form of fight in the face of the pain of illness. In the deathly environment of the hospital, particularly in the ward dedicated to AIDS patients, literary writing becomes the means by which the author transcends his experience and immortalizes it in a literary tomb.

Author Biography

Jacopo Romei, Universität Kassel

Jacopo Romei, a Franco-Italian scholar based in Berlin, studied French, Italian, and North American literatures, as well as gender and postcolonial studies in Turin, Chambéry, Venice, and Paris. Currently a doctoral candidate and research fellow in French cultural and literary studies at the University of Kassel, his research focuses on post-HIV male homosexual writings in the Francophone context. The title of his dissertation is "The Literary Representation of Homosexuality in the Works of Guillaume Dustan, Érik Rémès, and Arthur Dreyfus. A Study of Post-HIV French Literature." He recently participated in the international conference on the works of Guillaume Dustan (June 2023, American University of Paris and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), the seminar series on gender studies and psychoanalysis organized by Northwestern University and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (June 2023), the study day "Imaginaries of Wealth: Economic Thought and Literature" (June 2024, Paris), organized by Université Sorbonne Panthéon and the University of Kassel, and the summer school on Narrative Medicine organized by Maynooth University and Université de Bordeaux (June 2024, Maynooth).

Autoportrait Hervé Guibert, 1988 (extract), with the kind permission of Christine Guilbert. © christineguibertcopyrightherveguibert



How to Cite

Romei, J. 2024. L’agonie gravée: Réflexions sur « Cytomégalovirus », le journal d’hospitalisation d’Hervé Guibert. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 13 (Dec. 2024), 86–108. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.13.2313.



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