Le régiolecte marseillais à l’écran

MARSEILLE : Schwa et nasales dans la série (Dan Franck, 2016) et le film (Kad Merad, 2016)


  • Kristina Bedijs Centre d’études genre de l’Eglise Protestante Allemande (EKD)




langage du cinéma, régiolecte, Marseille, schwa, nasales, langage à l'écran


Language in fictional audiovisual media is an artificial language, prefabricated by screenwriters and performed by actors – but since the goal of motion pictures is the immersion of the audience into the diegesis, the dialogues need to be plausible in terms of spontaneous orality (cf. Bedijs 2012 and 2017, Goetsch 1985). The characters need to speak a language which respects social and contextual aspects of the diasystem, and if one character originates from a dialectal region, one can expect their language to reflect this regiolect to a comprehensible degree. In this contribution, we offer a variational analysis with a focus on the staging of Marseille’s regiolect in the dialogues of two 2016 fictional productions sharing the title MARSEILLE: the movie directed by Merad and the Netflix series directed by Franck. Based on recent studies on the « parler marseillais » (cf. Gasquet-Cyrus 2016, Géa & Gasquet-Cyrus 2017), we take into account particularly the realisation of schwa and nasal vowels followed by nasal consonants and in some cases a velar appendix, two elements considered typical for the Southern French accent (cf. Coquillon & Durand 2010). Besides the finding that the use of accent depends on the communicative context, we suppose that the biography of the actors also plays a role for the credibility of staged language.

Author Biography

Kristina Bedijs, Centre d’études genre de l’Eglise Protestante Allemande (EKD)

Dr. phil. Kristina Bedijs studied Romance philology and communication science in Göttingen and Metz. Her doctoral thesis addresses the staging and performance of youth language in French cinema from the postwar period to 2005. She was a research and teaching assistant in Romance and Applied linguistics at the universities of Hildesheim and Kassel. Since 2019, she is responsible for science communication and linguistic research at the Study Centre for Gender Issues of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) in Hannover. Her research interests are variational linguistics, language in the media and gender linguistics.


2012 : Die inszenierte Jugendsprache, München : Meidenbauer.

2014 : Face Work and Social Media. Berlin et al.: LIT. (avec Gudrun Held et Christiane Maaß)

2015 : „Langue et générations: le langage des jeunes.“ In: Polzin-Haumann, Claudia / Schweickard, Wolfgang (edd.): Manuel de linguistique française. Berlin: De Gruyter, 293-313.

2017 : Manual of Romance Languages in the Media. Berlin: De Gruyter. (avec Christiane Maaß)

2021 : „Schlägt Verständlichkeit Diversität – oder schafft Diversität Verständlichkeit? Zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen gendersensibler Sprache in der Leichten Sprache.“ trans-kom 14/1, 145-170.

schwa et voyelles nasales sur bande de film; source bande de film: pixabay/Clker-Free-Vector-Images



How to Cite

Bedijs, K. 2021. Le régiolecte marseillais à l’écran: MARSEILLE : Schwa et nasales dans la série (Dan Franck, 2016) et le film (Kad Merad, 2016). apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 6 (Jul. 2021), 33. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.6.1685.



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