
Außenseiterdiskurse zwischen den Zeiten, Kulturen und Medien


  • Anna Isabell Wörsdörfer Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster




Outsiders, Identity, Alterity, Power, Dominance, Stereotypes


Outsiders – individuals or small groups accused of violating the rules by influential social elites or large groups and therefore excluded from them – seem to be omnipresent in modern western societies that nowadays are increasingly shaped by political, religious, and social crises. The protectionist nationalism, resurgent in many countries and accompanied by violence between religious and/or ethnic groups, but also the looming backlash against emancipatory movements and egalitarian changes within a society are just some of the current symptoms of this boom of outsiders. Unquestionably, there have always been outsiders in both older and more recent history: The early modern witch hunt with a clearly misogynistic orientation, the ethnically motivated expulsion of the Native Americans as well as the Holocaust in the Nazi era – all these waves of persecution can be characterized as ideologically motivated campaigns of established groups against stigmatized and rigorously marginalized minorities: In all manifestations, power structures are at work that have left their traces in the diverse and competing discourses of outsiders and about outsiders, to which this dossier is dedicated.

Author Biography

Anna Isabell Wörsdörfer, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Englisch (Biographical note)

Anna Isabell Wörsdörfer is a research assistant at the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Münster. In her research, she repeatedly deals with literary and cultural-historical phenomena of the deviant and, in particular, with their constructiveness – for example, in her master thesis on the literary femme fatale, in her dissertation on the perception of the Middle Ages in France during the Age of Enlightenment, and currently in her habilitation project on magic and witchcraft on early modern stage.

She published inter alia the following articles – with reference to outsiders and deviance: 

  • 2017. „(Un-)Sichtbarkeiten in der ritterlich-höfischen Welt: Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain (~1180), Baculard: Sargines (1772), Zink: Déodat ou la transparence (2002).“ In: Beate Kern et. al. (Hg.): (Un-)Sichtbarkeiten. München: AVM, 331–342.
  • 2018. „Europäisches Zentrum und seine Peripherien in zwei Reisenovellen Mérimées: Interkulturelle Begegnungen eines gelehrten Erzählers mit femme fatale (Carmen) und Bärenmensch (Lokis).“ In: Julien Bobineau et. al. (Hg.): Zentrum und Peripherie. München: AVM, 233–246.
  • 2019. „El cura de Madrilejos im Kontext des dämonologischen Schrifttums.“ Romanische Forschungen 131, 487-502.
Spielfiguren isoliert. Creative Commons, Pixabay.




How to Cite

Wörsdörfer, A.I. 2020. Einleitung: Außenseiterdiskurse zwischen den Zeiten, Kulturen und Medien. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 5 (Dec. 2020), 8. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.5.1595.