Where are Romance Studies Heading?

A Bibliographic Data Science Analysis Using Regression




Palabras clave:

Romance Studies, Bibliographic Data Science Analysis, Library Records, Linear Regression


What have been the main trends in Romance Studies in the last decades? What can be expected for the next decade? These are the two main research questions of this article. To answer them, a large dataset of over one million publications of research in Romance Studies has been extracted from German library catalogs. This dataset is analyzed through descriptive statistics and linear regression in order to predict the development in future years. Several fields of the respective catalogs are analyzed, such as the language and place of publication, publishers, e-book vs. printed versions, price and subjects.


Biografía del/de la autor/a

José Calvo Tello, Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen)

José Calvo Tello (Madrid, 1987) works as a researcher and subject librarian at the Göttingen State and University Library. He obtained his doctorate in Humanities from the University of Würzburg (Germany) with the title: The Novel in the Spanish Silver Age: A Digital Analysis of Genre Using Machine Learning (transcript, 2021). His research is focused on the application and development of computational methods such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing applied to Romance Literatures and library records.

Computer generated picture (DreamStudio) after Leonardo da Vinci: Prompt "data from libraries and machine learning" (CC0 1.0)




Cómo citar

Calvo Tello, J. 2022. Where are Romance Studies Heading? A Bibliographic Data Science Analysis Using Regression. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 9 (dic. 2022), 119–152. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.9.1894.