Submission Formats

1) Proposal for a special issue

The editors of apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania] [Perspectives on the Romance-Speaking World] call for authors to submit proposals for special issues. We encourage authors to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective.

The editors of the special issue will work closely with the editors in chief to select and support the contributors as well as edit the submissions. In so doing, they should within the agreed time frame for publication proofread as well as (formally) correct every submission and prepare an introduction to the special issue.

As well as this introduction, a special issue will contain 5 to 8 contributions. Please note: the publication of a special issue is similar to the publication of an edited volume; you should expect the process of editing a high-quality special issue to take approx. 12 months. Working together with the editorial and scientific advisory board/other experts, the editors will review (blind peer review) the proposals submitted. There may be some time lags between submitting the proposal and publishing the special issue.

apropos accepts two different formats for special issue proposals:

Proposal for a special issue linked with a CfP

  • Thematic proposal for the special issue as well as CfP text including selection criteria for the contributors
  • Bio-bibliography and contact details (e-mail, institution, discipline) of the editor/s
  • Provisional schedule (deadline for CfP publication and submission, time frame for reviewing and editing, date of publication)

Proposal for a special issue with contributors already selected (e.g. conference proceedings, etc.)

  • Thematic proposal for the special issue
  • Bio-bibliography and contact details (e-mail, institution, discipline) of the editors
  • Bio-bibliography and contact details (e-mail, institution, discipline) of the contributors, confirmation status (invited/confirmed), provisional titles of the contributions, abstracts if possible
  • Provisional schedule (deadline for CfP publication and submissions, time frame for reviewing and editing, date of publication)


For both special issue formats, we ask that the editors include the following short texts and/or supporting documents:

  • a brief text introducing the special issue on the apropos website, in the language of the special issue as well as in English (300-400 words)
  • where appropriate, a cover image (resolution: 300 dpi, proof of image rights)

* Open submissions * Indexed * Blind Peer-Review *


2) Individual papers in the miscellaneous section (Varia)

In apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania] we also publish individual, original papers that analyze cultural phenomena from the Romance-speaking world. We primarily call for pluridisciplinary and interdisciplinary papers as well as papers with an explicit focus on cultural studies within Romance Studies and neighboring disciplines. All papers submitted in this section will be fully blind peer-reviewed.

* Open submissions * Indexed * Blind Peer-Review *


3) Reviews/works for review

apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania] accepts submissions of (omnibus) reviews of publications that deal with cultural phenomena from the Romance-speaking world, as well as reviews of literary and audio-visual works from this cultural area. We also accept proposals for reviews of recent publications/literary and audio-visual works, stating the author/editor, title and publisher.

We accept two types of review

  • Review of individual works (7,500 characters)
  • Thematic omnibus reviews (30,0000 characters)

* Open submissions * Indexed * Reviewed *


4) Workshop

Within the “Workshop” category we provide information about upcoming and current research and publication projects within the extensive field of Romance Studies. As well as introductions to projects (preliminary studies, aims, methods) and the specialists involved in these, we also accept submissions of initial findings (e.g. from workshops, presentations, conferences, panel discussions) as well as annotated bibliographies.  

* Open submissions * Indexed * Reviewed *


5) Premiers travaux

Within the category premiers travaux we offer outstanding students the opportunity to publish the results of excellent and innovative assignments and final projects in the form of papers. The papers are developed in a joint publication process and supported by the editorial team and the supervisory lecturers. Lecturers are called upon to propose student papers with sections or results that can be worked up into papers within this category. Lecturers should submit the work in full, a short summary and a justification for the selection (e.g. innovative quality, scientific value).  

* Indexed * Reviewed *


6) Discoveries

Within the category “Discoveries” we publish unknown, forgotten, but also the latest texts from philosophy, sociology, literary theory, linguistic and cultural criticism, etc. from the Romance-speaking world, including texts in translation; we also introduce their authors.

* Open submissions * Indexed * Reviewed *


7) Espace contemporain

Espace contemporain is not only a space for thematic diversity; it also uses the full media spectrum of the online format. Within this category, we present artists from the contemporary Romance-speaking world and document selected works, including audio-visual works.  

* Open submissions * Indexed * Reviewed *


8) Essays

In contrast to the traditional essay, the “Essay” category offers the opportunity to write a freer piece, featuring both commentary and argument, about cultural artefacts, controversial subjects and developments in politics and society, linguistic phenomena and classics of modern cinema. Within this category, the aim is to re-establish creative, authorial writing which, free from formal constraints, is thought-provoking and brings new intellectual momentum.

* Open submissions * Indexed * Reviewed *