„Nuit, correspondance, sentiment”

Topic Modeling auf einem Korpus von französischen Romanen 1750-1800





18th century, French literature, topic modeling, linked open data, wikidata


How can Romance corpora be digitally researched exploratively with regard to their literary topics? In the context of the project “Mining and Modeling Text”, topic modeling with MALLET (McCallum 2002) was applied to a corpus of 80 French novels 1750-1800 (Röttgermann et al. 2020). The aim of the topic modeling approach is to generate statements about the topics of the novels, which then are imported into a knowledge graph based on Wikibase. The overriding, interdisciplinary and novel idea is to practice data-based literary historiography. In addition to information extraction on primary texts, the knowledge network is also fed from digitized bibliographic data (Martin, Mylne & Frautschi 1977; Lüschow 2019). In the interplay of these two data types, a comparison can be carried out: Which “topics” of the novels were identified by the bibliographers and which topics are revealed by the algorithm? Two case studies on Choderlos de Laclos and Xavier de Maistre exemplify this.

Author Biographies

Anne Klee, Trier Center for Digital Humanities

Anne Klee is a research assistant at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. In the project “Mining and Modeling Text”, she is working on the development of a knowledge network on French literary historiography.

Julia Röttgermann, Trier Center for Digital Humanities

Julia Röttgermann works at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, University of Trier, in the project “Mining and Modeling Text”. One of her responsibilities is to create a corpus of eighteenth century French novels in XML / TEI (Röttgermann et al. 2020). Her research focuses on the automatic extraction of information relevant to literary history from full texts, using Linked Open Data and text mining methods such as topic modeling, named entity recognition, text reuse and sentiment analysis.

Computer generated picture (DreamStudio) after Jacques Louis David: Prompt "writing letters in the night" (CC0 1.0)




How to Cite

Klee, A. and Röttgermann, J. 2022. „Nuit, correspondance, sentiment”: Topic Modeling auf einem Korpus von französischen Romanen 1750-1800. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 9 (Dec. 2022), 57–86. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.9.1888.