La prosa de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer en los límites de la poesía

Análisis estilométrico




Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Stylometry, literary genre, prose, poetry


In addition to being one of the greatest poets and writers of all time, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-1870) is considered the great precursor of the prose poem in Spanish literature, which he cultivated, together with poetic prose, in some of his Legends. Although scholars have generally accepted the prose poem and poetic prose classification of Bécquer's works proposed by Luis Cernuda, many add other texts in which they believe one of these two modalities to be present. In this study, stylometric methods are applied in order to determine which texts are closer to the lyric genre. At the same time, the aim is to explore whether it is possible, by means of these techniques, to make a gradation of Bécquer’s prose texts towards the lyric genre. The results will help to shed new light on Bécquer's lyric work in prose, and will provide an example of how Stylometry may contribute to the analysis of borderline literary genres, such as the prose poem.

Author Biography

Laura Hernández-Lorenzo, Universidad de Sevilla

Laura Hernández-Lorenzo holds a PhD in Spanish Literature, and is currently working as a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at the University of Seville. She was awarded the Prize for the Best Dissertation in Digital Humanities by the BBVA Foundation and the Spanish Digital Humanities Association for her stylometric study of Fernando de Herrera’s poetic works. Her research focuses on the intersection between Digital Humanities, more specifically Stylometry, and Spanish Literature. In addition to the studies related to his dissertation, she has published on Digital Humanities and Spanish Literature, and on the application of stylometric techniques to the Spanish poetry of the Golden Age and to the dramatic work of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Computer generated picture (DreamStudio) after Francisco de Goya: Prompt "machines poetry and prose Gustavo" (CC0 1.0)



How to Cite

Hernández-Lorenzo, L. 2022. La prosa de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer en los límites de la poesía: Análisis estilométrico. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 9 (Dec. 2022), 37–56. DOI: