Los usos culturales de la casa

Prácticas de escucha domésticas en jóvenes de clases medias y populares en Argentina


  • Nicolás Aliano Universidad de La Plata




house, home, music listening, cultural consumption, cultural taste, individualization


The paper explores the relationships between musical consumption and home among middle and popular urban classes in Argentina, from an ecological perspective, attentive to the environments in which these cultural practices unfold. The analysis is based on the house as a complex space of cultural consumption and investigates different music fans' stories. From this perspective, their musical listening practices are described, considering the housing conditions in which they are conceived and modulated and the moments in the life cycle of those people who engage in them. This research has allowed to capture instances of musical socialization in which various personal strategies regarding music listening at home are presented and varying degrees of attention to the sounds of the house are managed. Thus, the exploration aims to characterize some of the effects of music on people’s daily lives, as well as to present a qualitative analysis of «musical consumption», recovering the practices, logics and contexts in which it emerges and takes on meaning. As a result, the dynamics of individuation and the domestic interdependence frameworks that are shaped with the uses of music in various socio-spatial contexts are characterized.

Author Biography

Nicolás Aliano, Universidad de La Plata


PhD in Social Sciences (UNLP) and Master in Sociology of Culture (UNSAM). JTP of Cultural and Social Anthropology (FaHCE-UNLP). Assistant researcher at the Scientific Research Commission (CIC). He is specialized in studies on cultural consumption, having published numerous articles on the subject in national and international scientific journals. As part of this trajectory, two recent publications in journals that presented dossiers on the subject can be mentioned: Aliano, N. (2020) " We will never be hipsters. Class experience and omnivorous taste in fractions of the middle classes of an Argentinian intermediate city", Papeles de Trabajo. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Nº24 (Dossier: "Prácticas, consumos y políticas culturales") and Aliano, N. and Moguillansky, M. (2017) "De los consumos a las prácticas culturales: una mirada desde las articulaciones biográficas". Revista Astrolabio. Nueva Época, Nº 19 (Dossier: "The experience of audiences in Latin America").



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Escritorio con ordenador y equipo de música © Nicolás Aliano



How to Cite

Aliano, N. 2021. Los usos culturales de la casa: Prácticas de escucha domésticas en jóvenes de clases medias y populares en Argentina. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 7 (Dec. 2021), 20–37. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/apropos.7.1828.