Ideologías y actitudes del clero de Antequera (Oaxaca, México) hacia los indios y sus lenguas a finales de la época colonial


  • Felipe Canuto Castillo Universidad de Guanajuato



Bishopric of Antequera, clergy, American Indian languages, colonial period, linguistic ideologies and attitudes


The aim of the article is to present and analyse the ideologies and attitudes of the clergy of the bishopric of Antequera towards the Indians and their languages at the end of the colonial period. The study was carried out based on the text of a Pastoral Visit of Bishop José Gregorio Ortigosa, a Pastoral of Bishop Antonio Bergosa y Jordán and the Questionnaire that the latter prelate ordered to be answered by all the parish priests of this diocese.

The analysis of the discourse of the aforementioned bishops and parish priests focuses on the beliefs and evaluations they projected about languages and their speakers, and in them they expressed the (dis)prestige of those who were evaluated. Underlying the statements are the ideologies with which the group in power legitimised and justified its dominance and sought to perpetuate it, and they show the collective mental representations of the time.

Author Biography

Felipe Canuto Castillo, Universidad de Guanajuato

Felipe Canuto Castillo is professor-researcher at the Cultural Studies Department at University of Guanajuato, campus León (México). His main research lines are nindomexican sociolinguistic, Mexican indigenous literatures, historical demosociolinguistic.

Recent Texts

(2019), “Shorts essays on «historical demosociolinguistic». Passages from the linguistic history of Mexican indigenous population”, Lengua y Habla 23.
(2020), “Students attitudes on indigenous languages at León, Guanajuato, México”, Circula: revue d’idéologies linguistiques 11.

Book edition:
(2019), Literary experience on indigenous languages. Creation and critic, Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato (edition with Pilar Máynez).

Yá nthogi ya jä’itho Nsantyago Nt’ähi, Maxei. Stories on otomies at Santiago Mexquititlán, Querétaro, Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato. 

Catedral de Oaxaca, México, Thelmadatter via Wikicommon  CC BY-SA 3.0



How to Cite

Canuto Castillo, F. 2021. Ideologías y actitudes del clero de Antequera (Oaxaca, México) hacia los indios y sus lenguas a finales de la época colonial. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 6 (Jul. 2021), 67. DOI:



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