A New Witness to the Chronicle of John of Nikiu: EMML 7919


  • Jeremy R. Brown The Catholic University of America
  • Daria Elagina Universität Hamburg




manuscript studies, philology, chronography, catalogue, Egypt


This article introduces a new witness to the Chronicle of John of Nikiu (EMML 7919). It analyses the text of this witness alongside the four previously known Ethiopic manuscripts of this work. The article considers the current state of research on the Chronicle of John of Nikiu, including an examination of the textual witnesses, the language of the original composition, and the biographical and historical information of the chronicler. The textual analysis of EMML 7919 demonstrates a strong relation with the text attested in ANL Conti Rossini 27, which suggests that EMML 7919 is highly valuable for the reconstruction of the Ethiopic version of the Chronicle of John of Nikiu. Finally, there is a catalogue entry for EMML 7919, which details the textual and codicological features of the manuscript.


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Author Biographies

Jeremy R. Brown, The Catholic University of America

Jeremy R. Brown is a PhD candidate at The Catholic University of America, working on his dissertation Jonah in the Ethiopic Biblical Tradition. He is currently working on projects concerning the Ethiopic Bible, Ethiopic literature, and Ethiopian Christian scribal practice. He has worked with the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project as a digitizer and cataloguer. In 2010, he served as Director of Digitization and Conservation in the Endangered Archives Programme grant that digitized the manuscript collection at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Daria Elagina, Universität Hamburg

Daria Elagina is a PhD student at the Universität Hamburg, Germany, working on her dissertation The Textual Tradition of the Chronicle of John of Nikiu: Towards the Critical Edition of the Ethiopic Version. She receives a scholarship from the project TRACES: From Translation to Creation: Changes in Ethiopic Style and Lexicon from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, funded by European Research Council.


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How to Cite

Brown, J.R. and Elagina, D. 2018. A New Witness to the Chronicle of John of Nikiu: EMML 7919 Aethiopica 21 (2018) 120–136. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15460/aethiopica.21.0.1208.