Oh my, don’t talk about aging! — Journal of Language and Aging Research open for submissions


What one of our participants said (in French: “ah là là, parlez pas de vieillir,” Ms. Moreau, 85 years old) holds for much of linguistic research: topics addressing the relation of old age and language receive little attention.

The newly founded open-access Journal of Language and Aging Research is the first journal to deal with the intersection of two things that are part of our constant, everyday experience: language and aging. The idea for the journal grew out of the CLARe (Corpora for Language and Aging Research) conference series that began in 2014, and which have shown the fruitfulness of sharing research and ideas on this topic in a common venue. Supported by an advisory board of outstanding representatives of a wide range of linguistic fields dealing with related topics, its three editors have developed the journal to provide such a platform.

Our website is online, and the first issue will be published in the spring of 2023. Starting now, we are open for submissions!