The Anthropology of Chinese Transnational Educational Migration
Anders Sybrandt Hansen, Stig Thøgersen
Research Articles
When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong
Cora Lingling Xu
The Temporal Experience of Chinese Students Abroad and the Present Human Condition
Anders Sybrandt Hansen
Overthrowing the First Mountain: Chinese Student-Migrants and the Geography of Power
Anni Kajanus
“I will change things in my own small way”: Chinese Overseas Students, “Western” Values, and Institutional Reform
Stig Thøgersen
“Unseeing” Chinese Students in Japan: Understanding Educationally Channelled Migrant Experiences
Jamie Coates
“Creating a Home away from Home”: Chinese Undergraduate Student Enclaves in US Higher Education
Yajing Chen, Heidi Ross
Engagement and Reflexivity: Approaches to Chinese–Japanese Political Relations by Chinese Students in Japan
Herby Lai